Friday, November 6, 2009

Chapter 11

Lurtz had closed his eyes for a moment to allow his mind to focus and think of plan, then suddenly without warning he felt a strong suction behind him, then a ripping at his back. Within seconds he felt himself being pulled backwards, smashing through an invisible wall he hurtled backwards now flying through a teleportation spell, an unknown magic sending him flying towards its source.

Lurtz held his breath in fear and surprise, then without warning burst through another invisible wall and back into the world with a loud thud onto the ground. Lurtz' vision took a few seconds to readjust, when his mind finally returned he gazed up at a face hovering above his, a face as equally surprised as his.

"Well that didn't turn out as expected" the man stepped back suddenly as Lurtz leapt to his feet, "whats going on!" Lurtz yelled with surprise, "what did you do? The man explained that he was an alchemist by hobby when he wasn't on a knights quest for Galadenost. He made all kinds of potions, and he had today been experimenting on a teleportation potion He wasn't sure what, or if anything would happen, but enjoyed the experience. Suddenly as he was evoking the potion, a surge of magical energy from underground interrupted with the potion causing it to teleport the source of the energy, which had been Lurtz recharging from the life-force of the pixie. Lurtz was then teleported back to himself.

Lurtz thought everything over, then decided the man was no threat, he was from Estel, but their countries were not at war so they could be friends. "I'm Lurtz," Lurtz nodded his head in a customary Elvish greeting. "I'm from the Marine devision of the Estelian knights" the man began, I'm Sir Farillious Optius Xenius. He thrust his hand forward in the customary human greeting. Lurtz had lived around a few humans at home and knew he was suppose to interact with the hand somehow, but decided to continue talking to distract from his ignorance of human culture. "I could try and remember that name, but instead how about I call you......... Marine Fox. A combination of your team name, and the initials of your personal name."

Marine Fox burst out laughing, "Marine Fox it is! But if you get sick of that, Fox will do." "So friend, where are you headed?" "Well," Lurtz began, "I need to retreive my staff from the Taersir." "TAERSIR!" Fox exclaimed, "I thought that city was a myth!" "Well its the myth that almost imprisoned me for the rest of my life, but I was saved thanks to you."

Fox reassured Lurtz it was no trouble, than began searching his pack for the ingredients for a reverse spell that would take them back to where Lurtz had been teleported from. A tiny light peeked between two far away leaves in a tree not far from where they were sitting. Lurtz jumped up, pulled out his bow and sent an arrow whistling towards the light. Seconds later the arrow collided with the tiny light sending it flying out of view. "Its too late," Lurtz whispered. "Whats that?" Said Fox.

"They've found us."

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