Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chapter 12

Like an atomic bomb, the ground not far from Fox and Lurtz exploded with light, the pixies had managed to magically extract their flower portal from Lurtz’ staff and were now pouring out from the ground and hurtling in their direction. Fox hurried with his potion, his hands shaking as he cut roots from the ground, mashed them and added them to the mix. Earlier he had thrown a handful of ember powder onto the ground, causing a small flame that would burn unaided for half an hour. On the fire he had put a pot and was hurriedly adding ingredients, desperate to teleport them before the torrent of light reached them.

Lurtz was firing arrows as fast as his arms could manage, firing three at a time he sent them whistling into the barrage like angry bee’s on a rampage. The charge was losing many pixies to the arrows, but wasn’t loosing any of its strength as it closed in on Lurtz and Fox. Lurtz had to think of something fast, in seconds the pixies would hit and lay such spells on them they would either be small animals for the rest in their lives or dead.

It was then he remembered, the small smooth stone suddenly felt heavy in his pocket and he pulled it out quickly. An earth stone is what gives a shaman his connection to nature, a supernatural bond that can aid a shaman in the most amazing of feats. The stronger the shaman, the more powerful his earth stone. Since he had been under the influence of the pixies magic, back when he was first transported underground, his mind had been numbed and the memory of his magic had been suppressed. Now feeling completely free, with only seconds to spare, he held the stone confidently, said a few words and threw it onto the ground.

The earth stone glowed bright green for a second then burst with plant life, vines shot from the stone at lightning speed shooting above the ground. Then in a flurry of green the vines rose high above the ground and enveloped the pixies, wrapping them up and holding them to the ground. Lurtz knew that wouldn't hold them for long, but would give Fox the precious few minutes he needed to finish.

Lurtz could smell the fumes of the cooking potion, but didn’t move his stare from the enwrapped pixies. Cracks filled the vines and they groaned under the pressure, small beams of light began seeping through the cracks and the sounds of snapping vines became more and more constant.

“Done!” Fox shouted, SNAP! The vines snapped and Lurtz’ earth stone flew back into his hand. Instantly Lurtz began running as fast as he could back to Fox, Fox held the potion high above his head then thrust out his other hand, gesturing Lurtz to hurry. Seconds later Lurtz was in range, Fox threw the potion to the ground causing a burst of smoke and a loud thunder clap.

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