Thursday, November 12, 2009

Chapter 13

In a flash of bright light and a deafening sound like that if a hurricane, Lurtz and Fox appeared back in the jail cell. Instantly Lurtz began to feel the return of the heavy tiredness, the side effect of both too much teleportation and the pixie spell over the cell designed to subdue prisoners. Fox smashed another potion on the ground, this one hissed for a second then uttered a noise like a whisper as a small vapor appeared and disappeared like fog. Lurtz instantly felt better, it was useful having Fox around, he seemed to be able to both create and dissipate spells with ease.

Not to be outdone in usefulness, Lurtz pulled the small stone from his pocket and placed it under his foot. Feeling the power of the ground channel from the stone, through his body and into his hand, he reached forward and grabbed one of the magical bars of the cell. The bars were made up of pixie dust particles, floating as a bar connected from the roof to the ground, and had been proven to be some of the strongest in existence. However as Lurtz grabbed the centre pole, a spark shot through the bar of light, and a brown color began to ooze from his gripped hand. Within seconds the entire bar became brown and turned to rock, Lurtz then smashed it effortlessly with the butt of his bow, and squeezed through the gap.

Lurtz and Fox crept through the prison tunnels, not daring to make a sound. The tunnels acted as dark passageways cutting through the ground, linking the prison cells like a criminal beehive. Lurtz and Fox couldn’t help being anxious as bitter feelings of helplessness surrounded them. Depression filled them both, however they did not sercum, they knew it was the result of pixie mischief, the pixies were unrivaled in their ability to manipulate the feelings of others.

At last they reached the city, though it housed creatures only inches tall it was still the size of a regular city. They stood behind the closest building, peering out, millions of pixies were flying in all directions, Lurtz could not believe how crowded it was. it shone a bright gold colour and sat about a metre from the ground. Fox envolked a cloaking spell and they crept through the streets, regular magic would be negated here but through strong potions they still had some power, but they had to be careful, even the high strength cloaking potion was still weak here. They crept through the streets, seeming to any onlookers as a shadow, or a trick of the light.

They continued until they reached a large building where Lurtz could feel his staff, it emitted a signal he was tuned too and it let him straight to it. The building was shaped like a crescent moon, and hovered higher than the other buildings, over three metres from the ground. The two adventures stood in an alley between two other buildings nearby, thinking of the perfect plan to get inside.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chapter 12

Like an atomic bomb, the ground not far from Fox and Lurtz exploded with light, the pixies had managed to magically extract their flower portal from Lurtz’ staff and were now pouring out from the ground and hurtling in their direction. Fox hurried with his potion, his hands shaking as he cut roots from the ground, mashed them and added them to the mix. Earlier he had thrown a handful of ember powder onto the ground, causing a small flame that would burn unaided for half an hour. On the fire he had put a pot and was hurriedly adding ingredients, desperate to teleport them before the torrent of light reached them.

Lurtz was firing arrows as fast as his arms could manage, firing three at a time he sent them whistling into the barrage like angry bee’s on a rampage. The charge was losing many pixies to the arrows, but wasn’t loosing any of its strength as it closed in on Lurtz and Fox. Lurtz had to think of something fast, in seconds the pixies would hit and lay such spells on them they would either be small animals for the rest in their lives or dead.

It was then he remembered, the small smooth stone suddenly felt heavy in his pocket and he pulled it out quickly. An earth stone is what gives a shaman his connection to nature, a supernatural bond that can aid a shaman in the most amazing of feats. The stronger the shaman, the more powerful his earth stone. Since he had been under the influence of the pixies magic, back when he was first transported underground, his mind had been numbed and the memory of his magic had been suppressed. Now feeling completely free, with only seconds to spare, he held the stone confidently, said a few words and threw it onto the ground.

The earth stone glowed bright green for a second then burst with plant life, vines shot from the stone at lightning speed shooting above the ground. Then in a flurry of green the vines rose high above the ground and enveloped the pixies, wrapping them up and holding them to the ground. Lurtz knew that wouldn't hold them for long, but would give Fox the precious few minutes he needed to finish.

Lurtz could smell the fumes of the cooking potion, but didn’t move his stare from the enwrapped pixies. Cracks filled the vines and they groaned under the pressure, small beams of light began seeping through the cracks and the sounds of snapping vines became more and more constant.

“Done!” Fox shouted, SNAP! The vines snapped and Lurtz’ earth stone flew back into his hand. Instantly Lurtz began running as fast as he could back to Fox, Fox held the potion high above his head then thrust out his other hand, gesturing Lurtz to hurry. Seconds later Lurtz was in range, Fox threw the potion to the ground causing a burst of smoke and a loud thunder clap.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Chapter 11

Lurtz had closed his eyes for a moment to allow his mind to focus and think of plan, then suddenly without warning he felt a strong suction behind him, then a ripping at his back. Within seconds he felt himself being pulled backwards, smashing through an invisible wall he hurtled backwards now flying through a teleportation spell, an unknown magic sending him flying towards its source.

Lurtz held his breath in fear and surprise, then without warning burst through another invisible wall and back into the world with a loud thud onto the ground. Lurtz' vision took a few seconds to readjust, when his mind finally returned he gazed up at a face hovering above his, a face as equally surprised as his.

"Well that didn't turn out as expected" the man stepped back suddenly as Lurtz leapt to his feet, "whats going on!" Lurtz yelled with surprise, "what did you do? The man explained that he was an alchemist by hobby when he wasn't on a knights quest for Galadenost. He made all kinds of potions, and he had today been experimenting on a teleportation potion He wasn't sure what, or if anything would happen, but enjoyed the experience. Suddenly as he was evoking the potion, a surge of magical energy from underground interrupted with the potion causing it to teleport the source of the energy, which had been Lurtz recharging from the life-force of the pixie. Lurtz was then teleported back to himself.

Lurtz thought everything over, then decided the man was no threat, he was from Estel, but their countries were not at war so they could be friends. "I'm Lurtz," Lurtz nodded his head in a customary Elvish greeting. "I'm from the Marine devision of the Estelian knights" the man began, I'm Sir Farillious Optius Xenius. He thrust his hand forward in the customary human greeting. Lurtz had lived around a few humans at home and knew he was suppose to interact with the hand somehow, but decided to continue talking to distract from his ignorance of human culture. "I could try and remember that name, but instead how about I call you......... Marine Fox. A combination of your team name, and the initials of your personal name."

Marine Fox burst out laughing, "Marine Fox it is! But if you get sick of that, Fox will do." "So friend, where are you headed?" "Well," Lurtz began, "I need to retreive my staff from the Taersir." "TAERSIR!" Fox exclaimed, "I thought that city was a myth!" "Well its the myth that almost imprisoned me for the rest of my life, but I was saved thanks to you."

Fox reassured Lurtz it was no trouble, than began searching his pack for the ingredients for a reverse spell that would take them back to where Lurtz had been teleported from. A tiny light peeked between two far away leaves in a tree not far from where they were sitting. Lurtz jumped up, pulled out his bow and sent an arrow whistling towards the light. Seconds later the arrow collided with the tiny light sending it flying out of view. "Its too late," Lurtz whispered. "Whats that?" Said Fox.

"They've found us."

Chapter 10

Lurtz awoke with a headache that seemed to split his head in two. He rose slowly, his bones aching and cracking with his laboured movements. Lurtz had been unconscious for weeks, the result of a spell that hung over the cell causing extreme exhaustion to its victims, an attempt to hold even the most powerful prisoners. Lurtz fought the spell for as long as he could, but subdued in the end. But now awake, he kept trying, knowing there had to be a way out.

After painful minutes Lurtz struggled to stand, he had never felt so powerless or dirty. He gripped at the magical bars for support, their power causing the bars to vibrate under onto his suffering skin. He wandered the cell, a tiny hole in the ground only large enough to support a victim, who ideally would live out their condemned lives comatised on the dirty bed.

Lurtz fell, he collapsed under his agonised legs sending pain soaring through his body, he screamed. Lurtz lay where he fell, unwilling to move and continue regaining his mind. He felt himself slowly drift back asleep, when a sharp pain ripped through his stomach bringing him instantly alive. A pixie had flown into the cell, and thinking Lurtz was asleep had begun magically filling his stomach with nutrients to keep him alive.

Not wasting any time Lurtz chanted an ancient Elvish word causing an instant flash through the cell, the pixie screamed in fear as Lurtz began magically absorbing the life force of the attached pixie. Feeling life rush through his veins, Lurtz crawled to his feet, the pixie continued shrieking as its light continued to grow dimmer and dimmer.

Lurtz continued to absorb faster and faster, the light grew dimmer and dimmer and Lurtz began feeling stronger and stronger. Lurtz felt himself again in less than a minute, feeling alive and powerful. The pixie grew grey and withered, its lifeforce being drained heavily, and with a moan died. The deceased pixie dropped lifeless to the ground, Lurtz feeling alive and strong sat on his bed and closed his eyes. The next moment he was gone.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chapter 9

The pixies were not forgiving. Lurtz was dragged into the courthouse and judged guilty of high treason by a pixie that seemed to have great power. Lurtz couldn't understand the pixies dialect well, so all he could understand was the essence of what they were saying.

The courthouse around Lurtz shimmered beautifully with the ancient magic that had been held secretly underground with this legendary city for many years. The whole city radiated magic and shone brightly despite the thick blackness immersing the surrounding underground tunnels. Lurtz looked up at the shining creature suspended in the air in front of him with marvel, the pixies possessed features very similar to elves, with their eyes, noble face shapes and piercing eyes. The powerful pixie proclaiming his crimes in front of him looked so strong, he didn't know how they would have such a hard time living above ground.

By the end of the pixies speech Lurtz had only understood a general idea of what the pixie had said, he had announced that Lurtz had captured the sacred portal inside of his demon stick, and that he would be eternally jailed for his crimes. His staff was also mentioned but he didn't fully understand it. The pixie looked dead into Lurtz' eyes, Lurtz never felt so powerless. Here he could do none of his own magic as the pixie magic was so strong it would negate his own, he could only witness in horror as the pixie raised his arms, gathering together a fast growing ball of glowing power above its head.

The ball of power continued growing until it was three times the size of the pixie then he hurled it at Lurtz, the process only took a few seconds. The Ball collided with Lurtz breaking into dust and swirling around him, before it teleported him from the courthouse, into the jail.

Lurtz sat like a common criminal, dressed in only his undercloak and visibly annoyed his possessions had been been stripped by the teleportation spell. He now sat in a small, relatively dark room lit only by the shimmering bars, made up by brightly shining dust particles suspended in the air. Lurtz knew these would be some of the strongest jail bars in the land, knowing they could be possibly holding him for the rest of his life.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chapter 8

Lurtz lay in complete confusion, he saw only a blurred daze but soon his eyes re-focused and he sat up. Lurtz had been transported underground and now lay in one of many underground tunnels spanning Panthanus. Panic gripped him, he could be anywhere and at any depth. Realizing the danger he stood but was immediately restrained from walking by a binding spell surrounding his body.

Lurtz began walking as he felt his magic bonds jerk him forward. Slowly journeying through the tunnel Lurtz tried to stop fear from overcoming him, he felt it seeping into his body like a poison through a wound, so to counteract it began to distract himself with thought to keep it out.

The tunnel twisted and turned like a snake through grass as Lurtz followed it deeper and deeper underground. He continued following the magic as it pulled him, but now he was beginning to worry. The magic had begun pulling him faster, Lurtz broke into a run to keep up, tingling against his skin and thrusting forward eagerly the magic became faster again. By now Lurtz was sprinting, but then he saw something that made him sweat with panic.

The end of the tunnel lay dead ahead and was fast approaching, the end consisting of a wall of rock which Lurtz would be hitting any second. Lurtz pulled against the restraints with all his might but was no match for the suction. Lurtz tried harder and harder and let out a scream with frustration, but was nevertheless pulled headlong into the wall.

Lurtz yelled with panic as he was pulled headfirst through the wall and out onto the other side. As Lurtz opened his eyes he gasped in shock, he had landed directly before the mythical city of Taersir.

Taersir existed only as a myth to the people of Aduial, its story told at bedtime to the city's little ones. According to legend, Taersir was created many years ago by a very powerful wizard to stop the total underground domination of Gurth. Gurth had become strong and planned on spreading its city all through the land underground, allowing its soldiers to build tunnels to the surface and emerge wherever they wanted in all of Panthanus. The great wizard cast a very powerful spell in a giant underground cavern he found creating a magical city. The wizard invited the pixies to live in the city as they were dying on the surface world, prey to the dangerous meat eating birds living above the surface.

Arming the city and growing into large numbers, the pixies fought back the advancing Gurthish army in a great war that lasted many months. When the war ended the wizard closed all tunnels built by the Gurthish armies and left only one, in the middle of the deadly Gul desert. Having no access to the surface the pixies spent much time and magic into creating a portal to the surface where they collected light used to power their city. This portal was through an enchanted plant grown from the top of their city, to the surface directly above.

Lurtz returned to his feet and felt himself being led into the city, where he would be judged for his crimes by a very upset pixie population.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Chapter 7

Finally, he could see the other side. Lurtz had been walking for what seemed like a lifetime before he finally saw it, light being shone through the trees from the outside world. Lurtz was about to begin running towards the light when something caught his eye from behind him, the yellow light that had been following him had appeared from behind a tree. He had noticed something earlier but did not sense danger so he had continued, but now was different. Very different.

A few more lights rose out of the bushes either side of the first one, very small but shone so brightly you could barely see their little bodies. He was being followed by pixies, not a bad thing if you are followed for a little while as they are known for their curiosity, but in a situation like this, this is a little more than worrying. Lurtz turned back around to meet the eyes of at least a dozen more now blocking him from the world outside the forest. Lurtz ran.

Lurtz began running as fast as he could back into the forest, he could hear the small high sound of advancing pixies and sensed many more were after him than he could see. Lurtz continued to run, dodging trees and vines and jumping over roots and shrubs. He started to concentrate, focusing his mind so he wouldn't fall. A high pitched shrill rose over the treetops, it was then he knew he was the victim of a massive pixie onslaught. Lurtz began thinking about fighting, he grasped his staff in his hand ready to bash any pixies who got too close, then he saw them.

In the distance waited three of the largest male pixies he had ever seen, ready and able to grab him as he tried to run by, Lurtz concentrated all his energy and readied himself for what was coming next. lurtz continued running then at the exact right moment launched himself into the air and in one swift move swung his staff at the pixies with all his might, two managed to throw themselves clear, one was not so lucky and was sent hurtling into a tree.

Lurtz landed then began swinging his staff expertly sending the surrounding pixies flying in all directions. The pixies flew in from all around but most were flung into surrounding trees. Victory seemed immanent, then all at once the pixies all flew away.

Lurtz just stood panting and thankful he had survived and was about to resume walking when the trees began to shake. With a loud buzzing sound and a shockwave that rippled over the trees a massive beam of light shot from the trees into the sky. All Lurtz could do was stand and watch with awe as the beam rippled through the clouds, then unexpectedly turned around. the beam plummeted towards Lurtz at a blinding speed, in a flash Lurtz pulled out his bow and began firing volleys of arrows at the beam.

Hundreds of tiny bodies began dropping out of the beam as the charge continued to hurtle back down to the ground at Lurtz. Lurtz was shooting with all his might but couldn't stop the impending impact. Then it happened.

The massive beam collided with Lurtz and a white light burst through the forest blowing the trees almost out of the ground, then in a second it was over. The pixies and Lurtz are gone.

The trees now stand alone with local creatures wandering around confused, a deer ventures up to the patch in which Lurtz was standing moments earlier to inspect the burnt grass now remaining, before prancing off into the forest.