Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chapter 8

Lurtz lay in complete confusion, he saw only a blurred daze but soon his eyes re-focused and he sat up. Lurtz had been transported underground and now lay in one of many underground tunnels spanning Panthanus. Panic gripped him, he could be anywhere and at any depth. Realizing the danger he stood but was immediately restrained from walking by a binding spell surrounding his body.

Lurtz began walking as he felt his magic bonds jerk him forward. Slowly journeying through the tunnel Lurtz tried to stop fear from overcoming him, he felt it seeping into his body like a poison through a wound, so to counteract it began to distract himself with thought to keep it out.

The tunnel twisted and turned like a snake through grass as Lurtz followed it deeper and deeper underground. He continued following the magic as it pulled him, but now he was beginning to worry. The magic had begun pulling him faster, Lurtz broke into a run to keep up, tingling against his skin and thrusting forward eagerly the magic became faster again. By now Lurtz was sprinting, but then he saw something that made him sweat with panic.

The end of the tunnel lay dead ahead and was fast approaching, the end consisting of a wall of rock which Lurtz would be hitting any second. Lurtz pulled against the restraints with all his might but was no match for the suction. Lurtz tried harder and harder and let out a scream with frustration, but was nevertheless pulled headlong into the wall.

Lurtz yelled with panic as he was pulled headfirst through the wall and out onto the other side. As Lurtz opened his eyes he gasped in shock, he had landed directly before the mythical city of Taersir.

Taersir existed only as a myth to the people of Aduial, its story told at bedtime to the city's little ones. According to legend, Taersir was created many years ago by a very powerful wizard to stop the total underground domination of Gurth. Gurth had become strong and planned on spreading its city all through the land underground, allowing its soldiers to build tunnels to the surface and emerge wherever they wanted in all of Panthanus. The great wizard cast a very powerful spell in a giant underground cavern he found creating a magical city. The wizard invited the pixies to live in the city as they were dying on the surface world, prey to the dangerous meat eating birds living above the surface.

Arming the city and growing into large numbers, the pixies fought back the advancing Gurthish army in a great war that lasted many months. When the war ended the wizard closed all tunnels built by the Gurthish armies and left only one, in the middle of the deadly Gul desert. Having no access to the surface the pixies spent much time and magic into creating a portal to the surface where they collected light used to power their city. This portal was through an enchanted plant grown from the top of their city, to the surface directly above.

Lurtz returned to his feet and felt himself being led into the city, where he would be judged for his crimes by a very upset pixie population.

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