Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chapter 9

The pixies were not forgiving. Lurtz was dragged into the courthouse and judged guilty of high treason by a pixie that seemed to have great power. Lurtz couldn't understand the pixies dialect well, so all he could understand was the essence of what they were saying.

The courthouse around Lurtz shimmered beautifully with the ancient magic that had been held secretly underground with this legendary city for many years. The whole city radiated magic and shone brightly despite the thick blackness immersing the surrounding underground tunnels. Lurtz looked up at the shining creature suspended in the air in front of him with marvel, the pixies possessed features very similar to elves, with their eyes, noble face shapes and piercing eyes. The powerful pixie proclaiming his crimes in front of him looked so strong, he didn't know how they would have such a hard time living above ground.

By the end of the pixies speech Lurtz had only understood a general idea of what the pixie had said, he had announced that Lurtz had captured the sacred portal inside of his demon stick, and that he would be eternally jailed for his crimes. His staff was also mentioned but he didn't fully understand it. The pixie looked dead into Lurtz' eyes, Lurtz never felt so powerless. Here he could do none of his own magic as the pixie magic was so strong it would negate his own, he could only witness in horror as the pixie raised his arms, gathering together a fast growing ball of glowing power above its head.

The ball of power continued growing until it was three times the size of the pixie then he hurled it at Lurtz, the process only took a few seconds. The Ball collided with Lurtz breaking into dust and swirling around him, before it teleported him from the courthouse, into the jail.

Lurtz sat like a common criminal, dressed in only his undercloak and visibly annoyed his possessions had been been stripped by the teleportation spell. He now sat in a small, relatively dark room lit only by the shimmering bars, made up by brightly shining dust particles suspended in the air. Lurtz knew these would be some of the strongest jail bars in the land, knowing they could be possibly holding him for the rest of his life.

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