Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chapter 3

The air is beginning to cool as a soft breeze blows through the trees announcing the inevitable retreat of the sun for another day. Lurtz sat perched high up on his lookout tree; he had cut out a comfortable hole from the tree and is sitting silently inside with one leg under him, and the other dangling lazily off the side of the thick trunk supporting him. His sharp Elven eyes don't miss a thing as they scan the thick forest surrounding him, and though he is focusing at the job at hand, his mind is still elsewhere.

In a few days he will begin the final stage of his training to become an entry level Shaman. Already an expert archer, lurtz had shown his bravery and skills many times before, but over the previous years he had been training in the art of Earthlore and magic to expand his uses to the great country of Aquial. Only one more hurdle remains before he finishes his training, he must do what every shaman before him has done. He must leave the city for one year and return triumphantly having done something significant for his country, and having substantially raised his skill. His turn has come, in a few short days he must leave the city and journey until he finds a way to help his country, and further his skill.

Lurtz’ gaze began turning to the southern end of the forest, then something caught his eye. A branch is rustling unusually, far quicker than the average eye can follow Lurtz stood, whisked his bow out and pulled his arm as far back as he could with his arrow trained on the target. If this creature is unfamiliar its next move could be its last. Lurtz' fame is known throughout Auial for his long range shooting, and he knew with his trusty longbow, well enchanted by himself, he would have no trouble killing whatever this was.

A werecrow darted out of the tree to the neighbouring tree as quick as it could, Half crow and half goblin these creatures originate from Gurth down south in the Desert of Gul and were not welcome in Aquial. Lurtz let the arrow fly, it came off the bow as fast as lightning and whistling through the air aided by strength and magic it plummeted into the tree the werecrow was hiding behind. Slicing through the trunk, the arrow cut right through the tree and into the flesh of the creature sending it screeching to its death on the forest floor.

Lurtz sat back down frowning, werecreatures were becoming a common occurrence, it would seem Gurth was spying on Aduial but as much as he tried he couldn't think why. The two countries were at peace, he couldn't think what Gurth hoped to discover. Luckily for Aquial they had filled the forest with lookouts such as Lurtz with far more stealth ability than any creature of Gurth could hope to acquire, they would be safe. Hopefully.

It had become dark and Lurtz' shift had ended, another lookout was now in the tree beside his so he made his way down. Not much of a sleeper he began exploring around the forest, entranced by its beauty. Lurtz stood almost six foot tall, quite tall for an Elf. He has fair skin and dark brown straight hair that flowed down to his stomach level. His cloak is a deep brown that blends into surrounding trees so well, you would barely know he was there. The only creature that knows exactly where he is tonight, is the one standing directly behind him. Lurtz bent down examining a herb growing through the rainforest bed before noticed the creature, and without a word began to run.

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