Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter 1

In the beginning the great God, Elohim created the land of Panthanus, and he saw that everything he created was good. The land of Panthanus stretched as far as the eye could see in every possible direction, and its inhabitants lived in peace and prosperity. But before long the happiness and prosperity ended, as such things often do. The people began to demand separation, they grew intolerant of each others differences and began to quarrel and fight. Elohim hoped that over time the people he created would sought out their differences, that the races of men, elves, dwarf, orc, and all others would work together. And for a time they did, they began to accept each other, and after time even interbreed between races. But once again it didn't take long before fighting broke out once again, this time far worse.

The inhabitants of Panthanus no longer fought between races, but between groups. They had sorted themselves into three country's sharing the same land. it wasn't long before they wanted their own Gods to rule their country's and establish barriers between them. So to the country of the north, the proudest nation and the one of greatest valor, honor and bravery was given Amunra the God of the sun. And the land shone bright as the sun, and all its people adorned in the bright colours white, yellow and sky blue. The people of the north built themselves a great city spaning most of their land and called it Galadenost, in Elvish meaning 'the city of light.' The skin of the inhabitants of Galadenost became white from the intense light given off the city and it became a city of great lords, knights and wizards.

The people of the south were a dark people full of hate, bitterness and anger towards Galadenost, so they were given Bolverk the God of hate to rule of them. The people built themselves a basic city of shrude tents, and sharp wooden structures choosing to build it entirely underground. the entire city spanned to the edge of their land, but was underground so invisible to the other races on the surface. However the surface became a desert, dying because of the evil resonating from underneith. The city consisted of many tunnels and large underground caverns containing towns and villages. The city was only accessible via one tunnel that led to the surface, guarded fiercely by an enchanted werewolf. The people of this land called it Gurth, which meant 'death,' and it became a very dangerous city inhabited by orcs, goblins, demons, daemons and pyromancers.

And lastly the remaining population began living in the Dae forest, spanning miles in the centre of Panthanus. The forest was dark and cold, and the people built a great wooden city spanning the treetops of the forest. The people there had no side in the fight between Galadenost and Gurth and preferred to stay hidden and covered by shadows. To them was given Tembrion the God of shadows, and he protected the city from threatening eyes so they became known as the invisible people. the people were great spies, assassins and archers. But also became a nation unparalleled at harnessing the power of nature, and used it in all aspects of life.

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