Monday, October 19, 2009

Chapter 7

Finally, he could see the other side. Lurtz had been walking for what seemed like a lifetime before he finally saw it, light being shone through the trees from the outside world. Lurtz was about to begin running towards the light when something caught his eye from behind him, the yellow light that had been following him had appeared from behind a tree. He had noticed something earlier but did not sense danger so he had continued, but now was different. Very different.

A few more lights rose out of the bushes either side of the first one, very small but shone so brightly you could barely see their little bodies. He was being followed by pixies, not a bad thing if you are followed for a little while as they are known for their curiosity, but in a situation like this, this is a little more than worrying. Lurtz turned back around to meet the eyes of at least a dozen more now blocking him from the world outside the forest. Lurtz ran.

Lurtz began running as fast as he could back into the forest, he could hear the small high sound of advancing pixies and sensed many more were after him than he could see. Lurtz continued to run, dodging trees and vines and jumping over roots and shrubs. He started to concentrate, focusing his mind so he wouldn't fall. A high pitched shrill rose over the treetops, it was then he knew he was the victim of a massive pixie onslaught. Lurtz began thinking about fighting, he grasped his staff in his hand ready to bash any pixies who got too close, then he saw them.

In the distance waited three of the largest male pixies he had ever seen, ready and able to grab him as he tried to run by, Lurtz concentrated all his energy and readied himself for what was coming next. lurtz continued running then at the exact right moment launched himself into the air and in one swift move swung his staff at the pixies with all his might, two managed to throw themselves clear, one was not so lucky and was sent hurtling into a tree.

Lurtz landed then began swinging his staff expertly sending the surrounding pixies flying in all directions. The pixies flew in from all around but most were flung into surrounding trees. Victory seemed immanent, then all at once the pixies all flew away.

Lurtz just stood panting and thankful he had survived and was about to resume walking when the trees began to shake. With a loud buzzing sound and a shockwave that rippled over the trees a massive beam of light shot from the trees into the sky. All Lurtz could do was stand and watch with awe as the beam rippled through the clouds, then unexpectedly turned around. the beam plummeted towards Lurtz at a blinding speed, in a flash Lurtz pulled out his bow and began firing volleys of arrows at the beam.

Hundreds of tiny bodies began dropping out of the beam as the charge continued to hurtle back down to the ground at Lurtz. Lurtz was shooting with all his might but couldn't stop the impending impact. Then it happened.

The massive beam collided with Lurtz and a white light burst through the forest blowing the trees almost out of the ground, then in a second it was over. The pixies and Lurtz are gone.

The trees now stand alone with local creatures wandering around confused, a deer ventures up to the patch in which Lurtz was standing moments earlier to inspect the burnt grass now remaining, before prancing off into the forest.

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