Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chapter 9

The pixies were not forgiving. Lurtz was dragged into the courthouse and judged guilty of high treason by a pixie that seemed to have great power. Lurtz couldn't understand the pixies dialect well, so all he could understand was the essence of what they were saying.

The courthouse around Lurtz shimmered beautifully with the ancient magic that had been held secretly underground with this legendary city for many years. The whole city radiated magic and shone brightly despite the thick blackness immersing the surrounding underground tunnels. Lurtz looked up at the shining creature suspended in the air in front of him with marvel, the pixies possessed features very similar to elves, with their eyes, noble face shapes and piercing eyes. The powerful pixie proclaiming his crimes in front of him looked so strong, he didn't know how they would have such a hard time living above ground.

By the end of the pixies speech Lurtz had only understood a general idea of what the pixie had said, he had announced that Lurtz had captured the sacred portal inside of his demon stick, and that he would be eternally jailed for his crimes. His staff was also mentioned but he didn't fully understand it. The pixie looked dead into Lurtz' eyes, Lurtz never felt so powerless. Here he could do none of his own magic as the pixie magic was so strong it would negate his own, he could only witness in horror as the pixie raised his arms, gathering together a fast growing ball of glowing power above its head.

The ball of power continued growing until it was three times the size of the pixie then he hurled it at Lurtz, the process only took a few seconds. The Ball collided with Lurtz breaking into dust and swirling around him, before it teleported him from the courthouse, into the jail.

Lurtz sat like a common criminal, dressed in only his undercloak and visibly annoyed his possessions had been been stripped by the teleportation spell. He now sat in a small, relatively dark room lit only by the shimmering bars, made up by brightly shining dust particles suspended in the air. Lurtz knew these would be some of the strongest jail bars in the land, knowing they could be possibly holding him for the rest of his life.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chapter 8

Lurtz lay in complete confusion, he saw only a blurred daze but soon his eyes re-focused and he sat up. Lurtz had been transported underground and now lay in one of many underground tunnels spanning Panthanus. Panic gripped him, he could be anywhere and at any depth. Realizing the danger he stood but was immediately restrained from walking by a binding spell surrounding his body.

Lurtz began walking as he felt his magic bonds jerk him forward. Slowly journeying through the tunnel Lurtz tried to stop fear from overcoming him, he felt it seeping into his body like a poison through a wound, so to counteract it began to distract himself with thought to keep it out.

The tunnel twisted and turned like a snake through grass as Lurtz followed it deeper and deeper underground. He continued following the magic as it pulled him, but now he was beginning to worry. The magic had begun pulling him faster, Lurtz broke into a run to keep up, tingling against his skin and thrusting forward eagerly the magic became faster again. By now Lurtz was sprinting, but then he saw something that made him sweat with panic.

The end of the tunnel lay dead ahead and was fast approaching, the end consisting of a wall of rock which Lurtz would be hitting any second. Lurtz pulled against the restraints with all his might but was no match for the suction. Lurtz tried harder and harder and let out a scream with frustration, but was nevertheless pulled headlong into the wall.

Lurtz yelled with panic as he was pulled headfirst through the wall and out onto the other side. As Lurtz opened his eyes he gasped in shock, he had landed directly before the mythical city of Taersir.

Taersir existed only as a myth to the people of Aduial, its story told at bedtime to the city's little ones. According to legend, Taersir was created many years ago by a very powerful wizard to stop the total underground domination of Gurth. Gurth had become strong and planned on spreading its city all through the land underground, allowing its soldiers to build tunnels to the surface and emerge wherever they wanted in all of Panthanus. The great wizard cast a very powerful spell in a giant underground cavern he found creating a magical city. The wizard invited the pixies to live in the city as they were dying on the surface world, prey to the dangerous meat eating birds living above the surface.

Arming the city and growing into large numbers, the pixies fought back the advancing Gurthish army in a great war that lasted many months. When the war ended the wizard closed all tunnels built by the Gurthish armies and left only one, in the middle of the deadly Gul desert. Having no access to the surface the pixies spent much time and magic into creating a portal to the surface where they collected light used to power their city. This portal was through an enchanted plant grown from the top of their city, to the surface directly above.

Lurtz returned to his feet and felt himself being led into the city, where he would be judged for his crimes by a very upset pixie population.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Chapter 7

Finally, he could see the other side. Lurtz had been walking for what seemed like a lifetime before he finally saw it, light being shone through the trees from the outside world. Lurtz was about to begin running towards the light when something caught his eye from behind him, the yellow light that had been following him had appeared from behind a tree. He had noticed something earlier but did not sense danger so he had continued, but now was different. Very different.

A few more lights rose out of the bushes either side of the first one, very small but shone so brightly you could barely see their little bodies. He was being followed by pixies, not a bad thing if you are followed for a little while as they are known for their curiosity, but in a situation like this, this is a little more than worrying. Lurtz turned back around to meet the eyes of at least a dozen more now blocking him from the world outside the forest. Lurtz ran.

Lurtz began running as fast as he could back into the forest, he could hear the small high sound of advancing pixies and sensed many more were after him than he could see. Lurtz continued to run, dodging trees and vines and jumping over roots and shrubs. He started to concentrate, focusing his mind so he wouldn't fall. A high pitched shrill rose over the treetops, it was then he knew he was the victim of a massive pixie onslaught. Lurtz began thinking about fighting, he grasped his staff in his hand ready to bash any pixies who got too close, then he saw them.

In the distance waited three of the largest male pixies he had ever seen, ready and able to grab him as he tried to run by, Lurtz concentrated all his energy and readied himself for what was coming next. lurtz continued running then at the exact right moment launched himself into the air and in one swift move swung his staff at the pixies with all his might, two managed to throw themselves clear, one was not so lucky and was sent hurtling into a tree.

Lurtz landed then began swinging his staff expertly sending the surrounding pixies flying in all directions. The pixies flew in from all around but most were flung into surrounding trees. Victory seemed immanent, then all at once the pixies all flew away.

Lurtz just stood panting and thankful he had survived and was about to resume walking when the trees began to shake. With a loud buzzing sound and a shockwave that rippled over the trees a massive beam of light shot from the trees into the sky. All Lurtz could do was stand and watch with awe as the beam rippled through the clouds, then unexpectedly turned around. the beam plummeted towards Lurtz at a blinding speed, in a flash Lurtz pulled out his bow and began firing volleys of arrows at the beam.

Hundreds of tiny bodies began dropping out of the beam as the charge continued to hurtle back down to the ground at Lurtz. Lurtz was shooting with all his might but couldn't stop the impending impact. Then it happened.

The massive beam collided with Lurtz and a white light burst through the forest blowing the trees almost out of the ground, then in a second it was over. The pixies and Lurtz are gone.

The trees now stand alone with local creatures wandering around confused, a deer ventures up to the patch in which Lurtz was standing moments earlier to inspect the burnt grass now remaining, before prancing off into the forest.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Chapter 6

And so it began.

Day one of the year long journey that will shape the rest of Lurtz' life. Lurtz took only the essentials in a small travel satchel and ventured to the edge of Enquie and was now standing at the gate. It was only now he was feeling nervous, feelings of anxiety and worry filled him, he had never been outside the forest and Panthanus was a big place to get lost in.

Taking in a deep breath Lurtz began to walk forward and into the Dae forest. The morning feels cool, and the breeze refreshing as it caresses Lurtz' fair skin. Lurtz began to feel less nervous with every step and relaxed as he began imagining all the amazing things he could accomplish on his journey.

The forest seemed to stretch forever, Lurtz had been walking all day and wasn't seeing anything besides trees, then trees, then more trees. Initially Lurtz had been worried about the many fierce creatures he may run into in the forest, but so far seen nothing.

Along the way Lurtz stopped and harvested interesting plants and herbs that would be useful for poisons or spells, he stopped every time a plant caught his eye, never one to miss a good opportunity. After a while of seeing the same plants over and over Lurtz just continued walking. Lurtz walked along, happily and mildly distracted and continued to do so when something amazing caught his eye. A plant he had never seen or read about before was growing on the ground not far from him, rushing over Lurtz threw himself on the ground in front of it.

Lurtz couldn't believe his eyes, the plant stood about ten centimeters tall and was glowing an intense ruby red. The plant curved going up the stem and featured one flower on the top leaning off to the side which let off a bright emerald green. This was by far the most curious plant Lurtz had ever seen, and to add to the bizarreness, it seemed to be generating its own energy.

Closing his eyes Lurtz began to concentrate, holding his hands out above the plant he began to lower them until they held suspended just above the grounds surface. The curious plant began to slowly vibrate, then began increasing in intensity. As if having a fit the plant began thrashing and vibrating violently, Lurtz' face though looking worried and a little panicked, stayed sharply concentrated and determined.

This continued for about ten minutes, then all of a sudden in a flash of white light the plant was gone.

Seconds later the gem adorning the top of Lurtz' long dark staff glowed for a moment then returned to normal, satisfied Lurtz rose back to his feet.

Through his studies Lurtz had mastered the ability to transfer a live growing plant into the gem of his staff, there it would survive off the gems energy until it was re-transferred into the ground. Lurtz wanted to learn about the plant before he did anything with it. A strange noise rang through the forest, and now snapped out of his bliss Lurtz felt a shiver of panic run up his spine. He was now in an unfamiliar part of the forest and re began his walking, now faster than before.

Lurtz had been gone from this small part of the forest for about twenty minutes. This part, now robbed of the curious plant seemed different than it had before, and not just because of the absence of the plant, but also because of the appearance of a new light. A yellow light hung suspended in the still air, a light that appeared soon after the plant vanished, a light now drifting in the direction Lurtz had walked.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Chapter 5

The stampede continued to hurtle at devastating speed towards the city, thinking quickly Lurtz threw himself at one of the leading horses and, using an arrow from his quiver, cut the watery rope holding it to the rest of the herd. He directed the horse away from the herd then jumping onto another horse on the other side of the stampede did the same. Now disconnected, the two horses galloped at full speed heading towards two trees growing beside the frantically closing gates. With a roar of impact the two horses collided with the trees forcing them straight out of the ground, and with a loud moan forced them into the gates closing them with a loud crash!

Seconds later the water hit the now closed gates with the mighty force of a tsunami, forcing water high into the air, then back into the ground from whence it came. Lurtz lay exhausted in a nearby tree where he had been thrown after the water leapt high into the air, but remembering his goal he jumped up and began scouring the forest with his sharp eyes.

The panther is ok, he could see it laying panting and sopping wet on top of the gate where it had been thrown, but most importantly the cloth he had been carrying had been dropped and was nowhere to be seen.

The gate began reopening and guards started pouring out, they suspected an attack and they wanted to be ready. Talk of a great wizard or a sorcerer began floating up to Lurtz much to his deep pleasure, he wanted the credit but at the same time not the consequences. "If being too slow or obvious is punishable by expulsion, imagine what almost wiping out half the city would do for your job!" Lurtz thought to himself. He showed humor as he laughed to himself, but that hid his deep nerves as he tried to stop shaking and his wanting to cry.

But pulling himself together Lurtz climbed back down the tree and begun heading back inside the city and home where he would bathe and pack a few things for tomorrow. Tomorrow was the beginning of his adventure, and he could barely contain his excitement.

Lurtz walked through Enquie as he did most nights admiring the view, the city spans across hundred of trees connected by bridges made of wooden planks and rope. The houses were mostly tree houses built among strong branches, with steps carved into the trees leading down to the wooden bridges that hung halfway down the enormous trees. Other houses were simply hollowed out trees with doors that opened out straight onto a bridge. And as you look out across the city at night, you can see hundreds of candle lights gleaming out the windows lighting up trees that spanned as far as the regular eye can see. This of course excludes eyes such as Lurtz' that could see further to the border of the Desert of Gul, a place that emanates evil and despair.

But not even the evil desert could dampen Lurtz' mood tonight as he reached him home and opened the door into his tree, he would sleep well knowing what tomorrow would hold. Being an Elf he would only sleep a few hours, but would spend the rest of the night sitting watch outside his house, ever watching for evil and guarding his home.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chapter 4

Lurtz cursed at himself for being so unobservant, he had been so caught up in thought he let his guard down, a potentially deadly mistake especially in a forest with as many deadly creatures living in it as this one. He stopped thinking and began concentrating on his breathing as he sprinted through the forest, dodging trees and making sure he didn’t lose his footing. Before long the sound of pursuing footsteps began to close in, Lurtz eyes widened as the heavy drops of panic began to trickle in, he could not be caught.

As a way of keeping the elite defenders of Aduial as sharp and skilled as possible, the leaders of Enquie kept trained hunting panthers and let them out into the forest from time to time to try and catch incompetent citizens so as to illuminate the weakest links and keep the city strong. The big cats are trained to bite off a piece of their clothing and return it to the shaman leader Rhyllyn, who would be able to tell who the clothing belonged to resulting in their dismissal.

Lurtz kept searching his brain for a plan but was drawing blanks; he was so worried about losing the opportunity to do his year out in the world that his heart almost stopped when he heard sound of his cloak ripping and the patter of footsteps running away.

Lurtz stood for a moment stunned and defeated, he filled with self loathing and depression over losing so much work and time over one small mistake. Images of life spent farming, or as a common builder or labourer filled Lurtz’ mind, ‘forget that’ he whispered out loud. Determination and adrenaline filled his body as he began to sprint faster than he ever had after the panther; he had given too much to lose everything over this.

He couldn’t kill the panther, all who lived in Aduial possessed a natural love for animals, he decided it was time he properly began using the shaman power he had been studying so long and working so hard for. Luckily for Lurtz he has an advantage not many shamans have, he is a Wood-Elf and every Wood-Elf is born with a naturally large talent for elemental magic. Lurtz ran back to his lookout tree where he had left his staff leaning lazily against the trunk.

Leaning on his staff Lurtz closed his eyes and whispered for about half a minute, then suddenly lifting his staff high in the air, Lurtz brought it down with a loud crack into the ground. At first it seemed nothing had happened, then with an enormous roar water burst from the crack throwing Lurtz into the air. Out of the crack water began flowing at top speed through the forest in the form of a wild stampede of horses, for a few seconds Lurtz found himself flailing uncontrollably in the wild water but soon caught one of the horses and climbed onto its back, riding it on its path of destruction through the forest. Trees were crashing to the ground and animals being swept up, but Lurtz wasn’t thinking of that, only of catching the panther.

Before long the panther was within sight, but so was the city! Lurtz gasped as he saw the city gates were wide open, running into the city with a wild stampede of water horses at this speed, the closest buildings to the gate would be destroyed and many trees and houses turned into splinters.

The wild stampede continued heading towards the exposed city at incredible speeds, impact would be within minutes and the damage huge. The gates began closing but not fast enough, they wouldn’t be half closed before the horses hit. Within minutes half of Enquie would be underwater, and Lurtz the sole cause.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Chapter 3

The air is beginning to cool as a soft breeze blows through the trees announcing the inevitable retreat of the sun for another day. Lurtz sat perched high up on his lookout tree; he had cut out a comfortable hole from the tree and is sitting silently inside with one leg under him, and the other dangling lazily off the side of the thick trunk supporting him. His sharp Elven eyes don't miss a thing as they scan the thick forest surrounding him, and though he is focusing at the job at hand, his mind is still elsewhere.

In a few days he will begin the final stage of his training to become an entry level Shaman. Already an expert archer, lurtz had shown his bravery and skills many times before, but over the previous years he had been training in the art of Earthlore and magic to expand his uses to the great country of Aquial. Only one more hurdle remains before he finishes his training, he must do what every shaman before him has done. He must leave the city for one year and return triumphantly having done something significant for his country, and having substantially raised his skill. His turn has come, in a few short days he must leave the city and journey until he finds a way to help his country, and further his skill.

Lurtz’ gaze began turning to the southern end of the forest, then something caught his eye. A branch is rustling unusually, far quicker than the average eye can follow Lurtz stood, whisked his bow out and pulled his arm as far back as he could with his arrow trained on the target. If this creature is unfamiliar its next move could be its last. Lurtz' fame is known throughout Auial for his long range shooting, and he knew with his trusty longbow, well enchanted by himself, he would have no trouble killing whatever this was.

A werecrow darted out of the tree to the neighbouring tree as quick as it could, Half crow and half goblin these creatures originate from Gurth down south in the Desert of Gul and were not welcome in Aquial. Lurtz let the arrow fly, it came off the bow as fast as lightning and whistling through the air aided by strength and magic it plummeted into the tree the werecrow was hiding behind. Slicing through the trunk, the arrow cut right through the tree and into the flesh of the creature sending it screeching to its death on the forest floor.

Lurtz sat back down frowning, werecreatures were becoming a common occurrence, it would seem Gurth was spying on Aduial but as much as he tried he couldn't think why. The two countries were at peace, he couldn't think what Gurth hoped to discover. Luckily for Aquial they had filled the forest with lookouts such as Lurtz with far more stealth ability than any creature of Gurth could hope to acquire, they would be safe. Hopefully.

It had become dark and Lurtz' shift had ended, another lookout was now in the tree beside his so he made his way down. Not much of a sleeper he began exploring around the forest, entranced by its beauty. Lurtz stood almost six foot tall, quite tall for an Elf. He has fair skin and dark brown straight hair that flowed down to his stomach level. His cloak is a deep brown that blends into surrounding trees so well, you would barely know he was there. The only creature that knows exactly where he is tonight, is the one standing directly behind him. Lurtz bent down examining a herb growing through the rainforest bed before noticed the creature, and without a word began to run.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chapter 2

The land of Panthanus is now one completely divided.

Estel in the North is the land of light, its city Galadenost spanning most of the country giving off a bright light and its knights covering most of Panthanus protecting the weak, and defending the innocent. Galadenost is a proud city, full of tall buildings and castles, it houses some of the most powerful inhabitants in the land. The country of Estel is dotted with towns, many knights begin their journey growing up and training in the small towns, then going into the mountains in the northern parts of Estel to fight wild orcs and trolls to prove their valour. Once they are old and strong enough they set out for Galadenost to prove their worth then one day set off to explore and do their part to rid the land of evil.

A couple weeks ride south of Estel is the great Dae forest, a thick and dangerous forest that spans for miles in the center of Panthanus. The great forest almost entirely fills the country of Aduial, and filling the thick center of Aduial is the great treetop city of Enquie home to the shadow dwellers. The people living in Aduial are a quiet people who love to keep to the shadows and use stealth incomparably well. Enquie is well guarded by many skilled archers perched almost invisibly in surrounding trees, and contains a great underground temple housing the powerful shamans cabable of great elemental power.

Another couple weeks south and the air begins to stink of sulfur, the ground begins to feel hot underfoot and signs of life disappear off the horizen, its then you know you've reached the desert of Gul. In the centre of the cursed desert is the tunnel leading to the underground city of Gurth, but no-one but the blackest of hearts can enter as it is guarded by a werewolf that never sleeps, never eats, dosent feel pain or exhaustion. It cannot return from its wolf form and is forced to guard the entrance of Gurth for all eternity. Its strength is supernatually strong, and its saliva is so poisonous the ground hisses as it drops from the creatures fangs. It knows a persons heart apon sight and can decide who is loyal to the evil city, and who is not.

To the east of the Dae forest is largely unexplored as its collossal mountains prove to difficult to span for most explorers, and those that manage never return. To the east lays the Rhun ocean, full of wonderous creatures however also largely undiscovered as many ships that have set off to discover it havent returned, and the crews of the ships that have are locked away in the mental asylum as their stories are to wild to believe. All three country's are curious of what lies to the east and west however, and eagerly await explorers brave enough, and skilled enough to find out. Perhaps other whole countries? Nobody knows.

The creation of Panthanus and the establishment of the three nations spanned the first age of the lands history, that age ended nine years ago. With the signing of the peace agreement between the three nations the second age began, an age heralded as an age of peace between the nations after the horrific wars that spanned the previous age.

This story begins now, in the ninth year of the age of peace, on the twelfth day of the tenth month when on a tall tree on the outskirts of the city of Enquie, an elf sat with his bow, watching the forest, guarding Estel.

Chapter 1

In the beginning the great God, Elohim created the land of Panthanus, and he saw that everything he created was good. The land of Panthanus stretched as far as the eye could see in every possible direction, and its inhabitants lived in peace and prosperity. But before long the happiness and prosperity ended, as such things often do. The people began to demand separation, they grew intolerant of each others differences and began to quarrel and fight. Elohim hoped that over time the people he created would sought out their differences, that the races of men, elves, dwarf, orc, and all others would work together. And for a time they did, they began to accept each other, and after time even interbreed between races. But once again it didn't take long before fighting broke out once again, this time far worse.

The inhabitants of Panthanus no longer fought between races, but between groups. They had sorted themselves into three country's sharing the same land. it wasn't long before they wanted their own Gods to rule their country's and establish barriers between them. So to the country of the north, the proudest nation and the one of greatest valor, honor and bravery was given Amunra the God of the sun. And the land shone bright as the sun, and all its people adorned in the bright colours white, yellow and sky blue. The people of the north built themselves a great city spaning most of their land and called it Galadenost, in Elvish meaning 'the city of light.' The skin of the inhabitants of Galadenost became white from the intense light given off the city and it became a city of great lords, knights and wizards.

The people of the south were a dark people full of hate, bitterness and anger towards Galadenost, so they were given Bolverk the God of hate to rule of them. The people built themselves a basic city of shrude tents, and sharp wooden structures choosing to build it entirely underground. the entire city spanned to the edge of their land, but was underground so invisible to the other races on the surface. However the surface became a desert, dying because of the evil resonating from underneith. The city consisted of many tunnels and large underground caverns containing towns and villages. The city was only accessible via one tunnel that led to the surface, guarded fiercely by an enchanted werewolf. The people of this land called it Gurth, which meant 'death,' and it became a very dangerous city inhabited by orcs, goblins, demons, daemons and pyromancers.

And lastly the remaining population began living in the Dae forest, spanning miles in the centre of Panthanus. The forest was dark and cold, and the people built a great wooden city spanning the treetops of the forest. The people there had no side in the fight between Galadenost and Gurth and preferred to stay hidden and covered by shadows. To them was given Tembrion the God of shadows, and he protected the city from threatening eyes so they became known as the invisible people. the people were great spies, assassins and archers. But also became a nation unparalleled at harnessing the power of nature, and used it in all aspects of life.